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About Us


Our History

Turning Point Apostolic Church, originally named Ellettsville United Pentecostal Church, was founded and built by Rev. Doyle Cain.  The first service was held on March 20, 1960.  Rev. Cain was the Pastor until June of 1964. On June 28, 1964 the church voted to elect Rev.L.D. Axsom as the new Pastor. 


In 1965, the church added on a new second story, which added classrooms and office space. In 1988, the church went through an extensive remodel including turning the sanctuary completely around.  Rev. Axsom served as Pastor and Co-pastor until his retirement on January 25, 1998.


On June 30, 1995, Rev. Ron Hawkins was unanimously elected to be the Co-pastor along side Rev. Axsom.  On January 25, 1998, Rev. Axsom retired and Rev. Hawkins became the full-time Pastor of Turning Point Apostolic Church.  Pastor Hawkins had his installation service on  March 15, 1998. Rev. Ron Hawkins, and wife Cindy Hawkins, have three adult children who are all serving in the ministry. On October 31, 2004 the church broke ground on a new building that attached to the original building.


The new space added a new sanctuary, office, sound room, nursery, restrooms and entry way.  The first service was held in the new sanctuary on October 9, 2005. At which time, the name was changed  to Turning Point Apostolic Church.  The current church has grown tremendously, and we are looking forward to another bigger facility in the foreseeable future.

Our Beliefs 

Turning Point is a Bible based church. What that means is we seek to believe and practice what is taught in the Bible. We believe and teach that there is only one God. That God has revealed Himself to us as our Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that is, the One God manifested in and through an authentic human life. The fullness of the godhead dwells in Jesus bodily. To see Jesus is to see God. We teach that the gospel is the good news that Jesus lived a perfect life, died for our sins, was buried, and rose again three days later. We express our belief in the gospel through our obedience to the gospel. We obey the gospel and apply it to our lives by repenting of our sins (death to sin), being baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins (burial), and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit (resurrection) with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues. 

Our Team


Turning Point is blessed with an absolutely dynamic team of staff members as well as volunteers. Meet some of our pastoral staff and department directors below. 


Ron and Cindy Hawkins
Senior Pastor

Dan and Kara Gunderman
Associate Pastor


Jon & Erin Pace 

Children's Pastors


Gary & Shelly Aydelott

Hospitality Directors


Jordan & Emily Hawkins

Student Life Youth Pastors


Rob & Tabitha Barrow

Music Directors


Michael Deckard

Outreach Directors


Lavay Lavender

Ladies Director & Singles Director


Justin Honeycutt 

Men's Director 


Zach & Clairissa Gunderman 

Student Life Hyphen Directors 


Jim & Meredith Southern

Young Married's Pastor


David & Rebecca Vadas

Missions Directors 

Our Groups

Turning Point's Connection Groups provide opportunities for you to form friendships with members who are in a similar stage of life or who have common interests. Joining one of our small groups is a great way to get to know others within the church and to find the fellowship and support that we all need. Ask one of our hostesses how you can get involved! Click on the icons below to find out more about each group.













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